Role & Function

DIET'S : Mission, Role & Function

Mission :

Mission With the background given in the preceding sections, a DIET’S Mission could be briefly stated in the following terms :-

“To provide academic and resource support (vide para 1.5) at the grass-roots level for the success of the various strategies and programmes being undertaken in the areas of elementary and adult education, with special reference to the following objectives :-

Elementary Education :- Universalisation of primary/elementary education.

Adult Education :- NLM targets in regard to functional literacy in the 15—35 age group.

The above is a general mission statement. It will have to be translated into specific goals for the DIET, so as to suit the needs of individual states and districts, and will be ultimately operationalised through specific performance norms set for individual DIETs.

Role :

Pursuit of excellence would have to inform all activities of the DIETs, in which context, it will have two Inter-related aspects :-

(i) Excellence in die Institute’s own work, and

(ii) Helping the elementary and adult education, systems in the district, in achieving excellence.

As far as the first aspect is concerned, efforts will he made to provide to DIETs all necessary physical and manpower resources. But it will be for them to harness these and other available resources in the best possible manner, so as to achieve and promote excellence.

In this context, DIETs will also have a very important pace-setting role to play. They will be expected to become models for other educational institutions in the district in terms of meticulous, efficient and effective planning and execution of functions, harmonious and creative organisational climate, maintenance of a clean and attractive campus, etc.

Function :

The context, mission and role of the DIETs have been discussed in the preceding Chapter. Their functions, as spelt out in the POA, have been quoted in Annex 2. These could be re-stated as follows :-

(1) Training and orientation of the following target groups :-

(i) Elementary school teachers (both pre-service and in-service education).

(ii) Head Masters, Heads of School Complexes and officers of Education Department upto Block level.

(iii) Instructors and supervisors of Non-formal and Adult Education (induction level and continuing education)

(iv) Members of DBE and Village Education Committees (VECs), Community leaders, youth and other volunteers who wish to work as educational activities.

(v) Resource persons who will conduct suitable programmes for the target groups mentioned at (i) and (iii) above, at centres other than the DIET.

(2) Academic and resource support to the elementary and adult education systems in the district in other ways e.g. by

(i) extension activities and interaction with the field,

(ii) provision of services of a resource and learning centre for teachers and instructors,

(iii) development of locally relevant materials teaching aids, evaluation tools etc., and (iv) serving as an evaluation centre for elementary schools and programmes of NFE/AE.

(3) Action research and experimentation to deal with specific problems of the district in achieving the objectives in the areas of elementary and adult education.